Mar 4, 2012

Android Ice Cream Sandwich Not Popular, Android Jelly Bean Released Soon

The low use of the newest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) in the smartphone and tablet device seems to make Google move fast to soon release the next version of Android.

Google is rumored to be launching Android 5.0, named "Jelly Bean" in the second quarter of 2012 or sometime in June.

As reported by Digitimes that gets information from a distributor based in Taiwan, the launch of the "Jelly Bean" caused by the absorption of Ice Cream Sandwich has failed to meet original expectations.

Until February 2012, Ice Cream Sandwich is used only about one percent of the existing phones and tablets.

One of the new phones that use the Ice Cream Sandwich is the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, at the end of last year.

Although, several months ahead Ice Cream Sandwich is expected to be widely used by other Android devices, especially when some mobile vendors release new devices at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona later this month.

Based on Google's update schedule, it's within reason to expect Android 5.0 Jelly Bean to hit within the next year -- but which popular confection will bear the honor or representing the latest OS flavor? There's been little doubt that the jelly bean will fill that role, and now ASUS has confirmed to TechRadar not only that delectable moniker -- Jelly Bean -- but also that the company will likely be among the first to get the new OS.

That claim came from VP Benson Lin, who said "Asus is very close to Google, so once they have Android 5.0 I think there will be a high possibility that we will be the first wave to offer the Jelly Bean update."